最近想开发一个rest API的框架,需要用到插件机制。正好前段时间在玩Hexo,觉得它那套机制还不错,于是参考了一下。本文总结一下它的实现思路
CLI启动 有种流行的做法是把cli和实现分离,比如grunt-cli和grunt。hexo也是采取这种方式,hexo-cli专门处理命令行,hexo才是具体的实现。可以像bash一样执行hexo-cli的命令
启动脚本 1 2 3 4 5 #!/usr/bin/env node 'use strict'; require('../lib')();
搜索路径,初始化Hexo 上面的脚本,实际上执行的是lib/index.js,核心代码如下。为了方便阅读,省略了与流程无关的代码:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 findPkg(cwd, args).then(function(path){ if(!path){ return runCLICommand(args); } var modulePath = pathFn.join(path, 'node_modules', 'hexo'); return fs.exists(modulePath).then(function(exist){ if (!exist){ return process.exit(1); } var Hexo = require(modulePath); hexo = new Hexo(path, args); log = hexo.log; return hexo.init().then(runHexoCommand); });
findPkg具体的代码不展开了,目的是从cwd(当前目录,也就是执行hexo xxx命令的目录)递归向上查找package.json里是否包含Hexo属性,如果有的话,就把此目录作为Hexo的根目录
如果找不到根目录,就执行hexo-cli自带的3个基础命令(init, help, version);如果找到了根目录,就require hexo module,然后实例化,调用init函数,最后执行具体的命令,如new,generate等
cli用到的模块 hexo-cli思路很简单,麻雀虽小五脏俱全,读它的源代码也很有意思。比较有收获的是了解了几个库的用法
1 2 3 4 var minimist = require('minimist'); var abbrev = require('abbrev'); var tildify = require('tildify'); var chalk = require('chalk');
minimist minimist是命令行处理的组件,比如下面这个命令:
1 $ init blog --verbose --cwd /usr/local/
1 { _: [ 'init', 'blog' ], verbose: true, cwd: '/usr/local/' }
abbrev abbrev也是个命令行处理组件:
1 2 var commands = ["generate", "init", "help"]; var shorthands = abbrev(commands);
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 { g: 'generate', ge: 'generate', gen: 'generate', gene: 'generate', gener: 'generate', genera: 'generate', generat: 'generate', generate: 'generate', h: 'help', he: 'help', hel: 'help', help: 'help', i: 'init', in: 'init', ini: 'init', init: 'init' }
tildify tildify可以把用户的目录处理成~
1 2 var path = "/Users/apple/git_local/"; var short = tildify(path);// ~/git_local/
chalk chalk可以给stdout增加文字特效,比如改变文字颜色,增加下划线等
Hexo执行 执行构造函数 从hexo-cli的这行代码开始,转入hexo执行:
1 2 var Hexo = require(modulePath); hexo = new Hexo(path, args);
标准的javascript OO编程的惯例,设置了一大堆this.xxx = xxx,后续把这个实例作为参数传递,可以通过this.xxx取到实例变量
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 var extend = require('../extend'); this.extend = { console: new extend.Console(), deployer: new extend.Deployer(), filter: new extend.Filter(), generator: new extend.Generator(), helper: new extend.Helper(), migrator: new extend.Migrator(), processor: new extend.Processor(), renderer: new extend.Renderer(), tag: new extend.Tag() };
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 function Console(){ this.store = {}; this.alias = {}; } Console.prototype.register = function(name, desc, options, fn){ // 注册插件的逻辑 };
执行init方法 接下来这行代码是核心,使hexo初始化,包括加载内部插件,外部插件,都是在init函数里完成的:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 // Load internal plugins require('../plugins/console')(this); require('../plugins/filter')(this); require('../plugins/generator')(this); require('../plugins/helper')(this); require('../plugins/processor')(this); require('../plugins/renderer')(this); require('../plugins/tag')(this); // Load external plugins & scripts require('./load_plugins')(this);
执行具体命令 hexo初始化之后,就开始执行具体命令,省略无关代码:
1 2 3 4 function runHexoCommand(){ var cmd = args._.shift(); return hexo.call(cmd, args); }
1 2 3 Hexo.prototype.call = function (name, args, callback) { // 调用插件,执行具体命令 };
注册插件 插件分为内部插件和外部插件,内部插件是hexo自带的,外部插件是其他开发者的扩展
注册内部插件 hexo已经提供了核心的插件,在plugins目录里,会注册到对应的模块上。比如console的插件,会注册到hexo.extend.console这个对象上,内部用store存储。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 module.exports = function(ctx){ var console = ctx.extend.console; console.register('clean', 'Removed generated files and cache.', require('./clean')); // 以下类似,省略 };
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 module.exports = cleanConsole; function cleanConsole(args){ return Promise.all([ deleteDatabase(this), deletePublicDir(this) ]); }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Console.prototype.register = function(name, desc, options, fn){ var c = this.store[name.toLowerCase()] = fn; c.options = options; c.desc = desc; this.alias = abbrev(Object.keys(this.store)); };
注册外部插件 注册外部插件的代码在load_plugins.js里,外部插件指的是不在hexo核心里,通过npm install的扩展插件,命名规则是必须以hexo-开头。这样的module会被hexo框架识别为hexo外部插件,尝试加载
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 module.exports = function(ctx){ if (!ctx.env.init || ctx.env.safe){ return; } return Promise.all([ loadModules(ctx), loadScripts(ctx) ]); };
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 function loadModules(ctx){ var packagePath = pathFn.join(ctx.base_dir, 'package.json'); var pluginDir = ctx.plugin_dir; // Make sure package.json exists return fs.exists(packagePath).then(function(exist){ if (!exist) return []; // Read package.json and find dependencies return fs.readFile(packagePath).then(function(content){ var json = JSON.parse(content); var deps = json.dependencies || {}; return Object.keys(deps); }); }).filter(function(name){ // Ignore plugins whose name is not started with "hexo-" if (name.substring(0, 5) !== 'hexo-') return false; // Make sure the plugin exists var path = pathFn.join(pluginDir, name); return fs.exists(path); }).map(function(name){ var path = require.resolve(pathFn.join(pluginDir, name)); // Load plugins return ctx.loadPlugin(path).then(function(){ ctx.log.debug('Plugin loaded: %s', chalk.magenta(name)); }, function(err){ ctx.log.error({err: err}, 'Plugin load failed: %s', chalk.magenta(name)); }); }); }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 var Module = require('module'); var vm = require('vm'); Hexo.prototype.loadPlugin = function (path, callback) { var self = this; return fs.readFile(path).then(function (script) { // Based on: https://github.com/joyent/node/blob/v0.10.33/src/node.js#L516 var module = new Module(path); module.filename = path; module.paths = Module._nodeModulePaths(path); function require(path) { return module.require(path); } require.resolve = function (request) { return Module._resolveFilename(request, module); }; require.main = process.mainModule; require.extensions = Module._extensions; require.cache = Module._cache; script = '(function(exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname, hexo){' + script + '});'; var fn = vm.runInThisContext(script, path); return fn(module.exports, require, module, path, pathFn.dirname(path), self); }).nodeify(callback); };
最后用我写的一个CSDN migrator为例,看下外部插件的写法:
1 2 3 4 5 6 hexo.extend.migrator.register('csdn', function(args){ var username = args._.shift(); // 迁移逻辑 });
调用插件 所有插件的调用,都是从runHexoCommand开始的:
1 2 3 4 function runHexoCommand(){ var cmd = args._.shift(); return hexo.call(cmd, args); }
1 2 3 4 Hexo.prototype.call = function (name, args, callback) { var c = self.extend.console.get(name); c.call(this, args); };
1 $ hexo migrate csdn xxxxxx
首先会调用hexo.extend.console上的migrate插件,而migrate插件只是迁移的入口,它内部又会调用具体的migrator插件来完成逻辑。由于调用的形式一般是plugin.call(hexo, args),所以插件内部的this一般来说指的都是hexo实例:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 var type = args._.shift(); var migrators = this.extend.migrator.list();// 所有migrator插件 // 没有找到,提示错误 if(!migrators[type]){ var help = ''; help += type.magenta + ' migrator plugin is not installed.\n\n'; help += 'Installed migrator plugins:\n'; help += ' ' + Object.keys(migrators).join(', ') + '\n\n'; help += 'For more help, you can check the online docs: ' + chalk.underline('http://hexo.io/'); console.log(help); return; } // function.call return migrators[type].call(this, args);
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 function cleanConsole(args){ return Promise.all([ deleteDatabase(this), deletePublicDir(this) ]); }